Stat Penalties and Bonuses: Str +0 Dex +10% Con +0 Int +5% Will +0 Pre +% | PD +0 ED +0 End -10% Body -10% Personality Mantis Most accept the explanation that they're simply a bridge between organic and robotic. The many scientific anomalies of Engi have been endless points of contention for human scientists they argue incessantly over whether Engi are organic lifeforms by definition, or sentient machines. Due to their unique composition, Engi do not require oxygen to survive. As a result, Engi usually make poor fighters however, their immaculate knowledge of mechanics coupled with their immunity to most diseases (computer viruses can harm them) can make them excellent allies. The delicate and very technical inner workings of an Engi are not nearly as rugged as regular organic material, like that found in humans. While the Engi are extremely intelligent, their primarily robotic bodies are very fragile. The Engi also wield powerful knowledge of machinery, and are gifted mechanics - especially when they're only expected to service and repair comparatively primitive human technology. Their culture revolves around traditional social interactions. The majority of their bodies are made from nanomachines, giving the illusion of a silvery metallic 'skin.' At their construction yards, the Engi are seen working together to form massive organic machines adept at building ships, although they mostly maintain a bipedal appearance otherwise. Though their inhabited worlds are well known, the origins of the emotionless Engi are a mystery. But to aliens, we're weird hyper endurance chillaxing police and firefighters. They're humans, they come in the entire gamut you're used to. Stat Penalties and Bonuses: Str +0 Dex +0 Con +0 Int +0 Will +0 Pre +5% | PD +0 ED +0 End +50% Body +0 Personality Humans founded the largest organization of sophonts in the galaxy.

This strange combination of calming, thoughtful and extreme endurance has lead to humans having fallen more by luck than choice into the role of police, firefighters, and rescuer workers as well as premiere diplomats of the galaxy. Humans just look harmless, with goofy friendly smiles and weird wiggly arms, their tendency not to lash out in the face of threat or provocation makes them weirdly effective at calming a situation down, or resolving an emergency. Even to the point of encouraging aliens to relax around other aliens so long as humans are around and being chill. Humans are just so calm, and thus calming. Even an irate human can usually form words and sentences, which strikes other species as the height of serenity. Compared to the galactic average, a human has extraordinary endurance but little to nothing in the way of natural weaponry and retains extraordinary control of themselves in a conflict. In the galaxy, humanity's "thing" is that they are seen as harmless and serene while having extreme endurance. Ripped Straight from the FTL video game, pulp Sci-Fi, and Space Opera Humans